Welcome to Olympic Elite

There are many course and qualifications which will give you a piece of paper saying you can coach the Olympic lifts and if that's what you require then that's great. However if you want to truly learn and internalise these very complex, technical lifts then you require 'quality coaching, not qualifications.'

'Olympic Elite' was established to offer the highest quality coaching specifically in the Olympics lifts of the snatch, clean and jerk, and their assistance exercises, to clients in the following areas:

  • Elite athletes, sports teams and coaches
  • Academic institutions
  • CrossFit and functional fitness gyms
  • Individuals with a keen interest

Our services

Coaching services can be delivered in the following formats:

  • Full or half day intensive coaching, group workshops on a one-off or regular basis (comprising theory and practical application)
  • One hour 1:1 or small group practical sessions
  • Academic lectures
  • Guest athlete seminars
Session can be delivered either in-house or at our base in Sutton, Surrey.